Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

Assignment 3 (Bahasa Inggris 2)

Jakarta- Indonesian Bank (IB) credit growth slowed in April 2014. However, this is assessed in line with economic conditions it is slowing.

"Credit growth in April was 18.5% year-on-year. Slowing than 19.1% the previous month," said Executive Director of the Department of Communication IB Tirta Segara in an official statement in Jakarta, Thursday (12/06/2014).

According to Tirta, slowing credit growth nothing to worry about. "This is in line with economic adjustment," he said.

Together with the Financial Services Authority (FSA), further Tirta, BI will drive credit growth in order to sustain economic growth in a healthy direction.

Previously, the FSA also said he would admonish bank has credit growth above 20%. Director of Bank Supervision, FSA Slamet Edy Purnomo said, currently there are some banks that have lending authority above provisions.

"There are some banks that will we revised about lending. Ones above 20% will we admonished to return to the target FSA and IB in the range of 15% -17%," he said ..

IB and FSA worry when banks are too aggressive in lending will have an impact on liquidity. "We must be prudent in anticipation of macro conditions," said Slamet.

Source : http://finance.detik.com/read/2014/06/12/181902/2606696/5/bi-pertumbuhan-kredit-melambat-jadi-18