Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Reporting News (Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris 2)

Disaster is unpredictable arrival, such as the fire incident that occurred back in a market. This time it happened in the Grass Market, Manggarai, South Jakarta. 

The fire happened at about 5:55 pm 2nd floor of the stall disebuah Grass Market. Firefighters picket officer, Supaman, said there was one stall that is burning on the floor 2 shoe stall, Monday (04/28/2014). Firefighters soon arrived, with the help of 2 Sub. 32 fire units were sent from the combined Sub Fire Central Jakarta, East and South. Luckily, at 6:50 pm and quickly extinguished the fire can not spread to other stalls. 
According Suparman , the cause of the fire at the shoe stall due to electrical short circuit. Power plug in the kiosk was shorted and caught fire, sparks fire burning flammable materials in it. So far, the losses due to the burning of the kiosk is estimated at USD 27 million. And do not take casualties. As a result of the fire, traffic around the site becomes obstructed.

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