Kamis, 03 April 2014

Hope Island

Hope Island is an island of pristine white sand and beautiful that lies between the island of a thousand . no one if called Hope Island , for glamor and keastrian island still feels natural . Pasir offers white sand beaches with clear water combine the beauty of the sea with blue sky background colors make the beach more . we can see several small islands around the island as small tile island , star island , the island is still a lot of wood angina and lagi.disini make us more comfortable to relax enjoy the silence of the dense metropolis . Here also we bias of activity such as playing volleyball , swimming , football , banana boat , jetski to parasailing , to support facilities are available around the island. To reach the location of the island is not too difficult because the distance is not too far away. Around about 4 hours by speedboat from the pier marina Ancol beach or the nearby estuary there.

. Means of transportation to and from the island in the form of public transit Hope , minibus and private vehicle , but only up to the pier only.
White sand and rocks that decorate the beauty of the island stretches Hope island . wind and waves make surfers tertantang sway . The island atmosphere will be felt at the time of sunrise and sunset on the horizon. Accompanied by a row of trees that shade and further add to the beauty and uniqueness of this tourist area . Comprehensive facilities and you can feel comfortable while traveling or on vacation to the island this hope . besides other facilities available are Beginning accommodation, family pool , a children's play area , snack for sports facilities such as motocross , road race and the gokart . You can also directly into the territorial seas fishing .